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Our Story


Our story begins on a sunny afternoon, when we bought a beautiful cluster of quartz crystals for our home. A few months later, we put a bottle of water on the crystals and left it there for a few days. The first taste was unforgettable, so smooth with a silky warmth that made us feel wonderful. We started drinking this water and offering it to our friends. It actually began as a game. Take a few sips of regular water and notice how it tastes and feels. Add an ounce of our water energized by the quartz, then taste it again. When more than half of our friends noticed the difference right away, we knew we were onto something very special.


As scientists, we wanted to uncover the reasons why our water tasted so much better. We took a deep dive into the science of water. We learned that it is not only essential, it is extraordinary. Water has structure, and this structure affects its properties. We can perceive this in its taste and texture and in the way it makes us feel. We are mostly made of water, and the water we drink affects us in many ways. So there is an incredible link between how the water we drink interacts with us. How it can help revitalize our tissues and make us feel more alive.

Premium Water


We know that all bottled water, no matter how great the source, is treated with ozone to make it safe to drink. This blast of ozone eventually becomes oxygen, but before that happens these highly reactive particles interact with water clusters, breaking them apart, altering its pH and other physical properties, and affecting its taste, texture and feel. Our testing confirms how much has really changed. What science has not yet studied is how this change in water structure might impact human health, but wellness experts believe that water structure matters.


We measured many physical parameters to better understand what happens to water during the bottling process. The use of ozone clearly changes these properties. We saw this when we compared VICUS to water from the spring before and after ozonation. Through our scientific evaluations we were able to rule out any other possible explanation for these changes. This confirmed that the unique taste of VICUS and the way it makes us feel must be due to a change in the water’s structure.

Sharing it with you

We loved sharing it with our friends and we are now thrilled to tell the story of this special water to people everywhere so you can experience the great taste and feel of restructured water for yourself. We can’t wait for you to try VICUS.

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